Former Emory University swimming standout Clio Hancock – also a Chemistry Unbound major – has been selected as the University Athletic Association’s representative for the 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year Award.Continue readingUndergrad alum named UAA representative for NCAA Woman of the Year Award
Category: News
The Liu Group has received a grant from the ACS Petroleum Research Fund.Continue readingThe Liu Group receives ACS Petroleum Research Fund grant
Research from the Bowman Group is featured on the cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, one of the highest impact factor journals in the field of Physical Chemistry. The first author of the featured article is Qi Yu, an Emory chemistry graduate alum now with the Hammes-Schiffer Group at Yale University. Current graduate…Continue readingBowman Group research featured by Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Dr. Monika Raj has received a four-year, $792,000 Research Scholar Grant from the American Cancer SocietyContinue readingMonika Raj receives American Cancer Society Research Scholar Grant
Celebrating Emory’s Class of 2022
The Class of 2022 includes 109 chemistry majors.Continue readingCelebrating Emory’s Class of 2022
Chemistry celebrates a record 22 honors graduates in the 2022 graduating class.Continue readingChemistry celebrates a record year for honors program
Chemistry celebrates student achievement
Chemistry celebrates 2021-2022 award winners and graduates.Continue readingChemistry celebrates student achievement
Researcher and inventor Dennis Liotta is the 2022 recipient of the Perkin Medal, the highest honor a scientist can receive for contributions to applied chemistry in the U.S.Continue readingDennis Liotta awarded prestigious medal for his many contributions to lifesaving research