
Community attends third annual Department of Chemistry Town Hall

The Department of Chemistry had its third annual Town Hall on April 10, 2024. The event took place in Atwood Hall 360 with breakout discussions happening in small group meeting spaces across the third floor of Atwood. History of the SAFE Town Hall The first Town Hall took place in April 2022 and was an…


in the context of graduate school, refers to the initial training period that provides new students with information on the policies and procedures of the program and school. At Emory, orientation includes lab safety training, library resources training, meetings with program and departmental staff, and research experiences with groups accepting students in a given year.…


Julia Gensheimer and her passion for chemistry

“I can’t imagine doing chemistry anywhere else!” That was what Julia Gensheimer (EC ’19) told her mother after going on a tour of the new addition to Emory chemistry’s Atwood Hall. With its soaring atrium, shiny new labs, and innovative teaching space, it’s easy to see how the Atwood Addition could get a student excited…