Reem Al-Ahmad

Reem Al-Ahmad is a second year graduate student in the Dai Group. Her work focuses on  the total synthesis of complex natural products and drug discovery. 

Reem earned her Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan.

Her NSF proposal describes a project exploring the design and synthesis of novel non-addictive analgesics for treatment of chronic pain aimed to help alleviate the staggering healthcare and human costs of opioid addiction, rehabilitation, and treatment.​

“Reem always wants to develop innovative synthesis to directly impact biology and medicine,” says her primary research mentor, Dr. Mingji Dai. “She certainly has high standard and sharp mind about project selection. She is a patient hunter of high caliber and good taste.”

“[Reem] has proven herself to be an engaging and efficient communicator during group meetings, where she weaves together the biological and synthetic components of her research into a coherent narrative, showing her intuitive grasp of the interdisciplinary nature of her work.”

Dr. Mingji Dai

Mingji notes that Reem’s impact is derived, in part, from an ability to communicate her science effectively. “What sets Reem apart from her peers is her ability to bridge the gap between disciplines. She has proven herself to be an engaging and efficient communicator during group meetings, where she weaves together the biological and synthetic components of her research into a coherent narrative, showing her intuitive grasp of the interdisciplinary nature of her work.”

Congratulations, Reem!